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R.E.M. - The Great Beyond

I´ve watched the stars fall silent from your eyes
All the sights that I have seen
I can´t believe that I believed I wished
That you could see
There´s a new planet in the solar system
There is nothing up my sleeve

I´m pushing an elephant up the stairs
I´m tossing up punch lines that were never there
Over my shoulder a piano falls
Crashing to the ground

In all this talk of time
Talk is fine
But I don´t want to stay around
Why can´t we pantomime, just close our eyes
And sleep sweet dreams
Me and you with wings on our feet

I´m pushing an elephant up the stairs
I´m tossing up punch lines that were never there
Over my shoulder a piano falls
Crashing to the ground

I´m breaking through
I´m bending spoons
I´m keeping flowers in full bloom
I´m looking for answers from the great beyond

I want the hummingbirds, the dancing bears
Sweetest dreams of you
I Look into the stars
I Look into the moon

I´m pushing an elephant up the stairs
I´m tossing up punch lines that were never there
Over my shoulder a piano falls
Crashing to the ground

I´m breaking through
I´m bending spoons
I´m keeping flowers in full bloom
I´m looking for answers from the great beyond

I´m breaking through
I´m bending spoons
I´m keeping flowers in full bloom
I´m looking for answers from the great
Answers from the great, answers

I´m breaking through
I´m bending spoons
I´m keeping flowers in full bloom
I´m looking for answers from the great beyond

I´m breaking through
I´m bending spoons
I´m keeping flowers in full bloom
I´m looking for answers from the great
Answers from the great, answers

I´m breaking through
I´m bending spoons
I´m keeping flowers in full bloom
I´m looking for answers from the great beyond


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